Our History

1967 - 1977
- Downing-Leach founded in Boulder, Colorado by Bruce Downing and Jim Leach
- Initial focus on custom homes
- Pioneering PUDs with two of Colorado’s first, Wonderland Hill and Appleridge Park, garnering Best New Subdivsion in Boulder County and Sensible Growth & Planning awards
- Trail blazing in solar design in partnership with the Solar Energy Research Institute and National Association of Home Builders
- Multiple awards received for leading edge design and sensible growth

1978 - 1987
- Celebrating new and old — innovative new community design and adaptive re-use of historic properties and preservation of historic districts
- Implementing solar design in homes and daylighting in office buildings
- Innovating in Boulder — Canyon Center (First mixed-use project), Spruce Street Center (First Parking Garage), Bridgewalk (First Woonerf Street)
- Tackling Affordable Housing in Boulder with varied approaches and multiple projects

1988 - 1997
- Downing-Leach transitions to Downing, Thorpe, and James, (DTJ) acknowledging Tom Thorpe and Steve James as Founding Principals of the evolving company
- Large Scale Master Planning focus includes University of Colorado Research Park, Interlocken Advanced Technology Park, and many Residential Communities
- Landscape Architecture joins Architecture and Planning as a key design discipline; DTJ’s integrated design approach gains momentum
- Building a diverse portfolio with Corporate Express and Up with People Corporate Headquarters, and Rock Bottom and Gordon Biersch Restaurants

1998 - 2007
- Award winning resort communities in Desert Mountain, La Quinta, Park City, Telluride, and Las Vegas
- Colorado Kudos with AIA Colorado Firm of the Year
- Mixed-use projects gain traction in DTJ’s practice; One Boulder Plaza becomes the catalyst for a new wave of revitalization in downtown Boulder
- Anthem Colorado and Centerra set high standards as the next generation of Master Planned Communities
- Xilinx Corporate Campus is recognized for outstanding design and Land Stewardship

2008 - 2017
- Transitions to DTJ DESIGN, recognizing the next generation of expanded leadership
- International expansion with projects on all continents except Antarctica
- DTJ opens an office in Atlanta, bringing new focus to the Southeastern US and the Caribbean
- Themed Entertainment destinations become a huge part of DTJ’s practice. Dream Big
- Bruce Downing and Jim Leach are inducted into the NAHB BALA Hall of Fame

2018 - current
- Awarded the renovation of Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta
- Steve James receives the prestigious MAME Legend Award
- Addressing the affordability gap with site and design strategies for urban rowhomes, small lot single-family, and micro housing
- DTJ opens an office in Austin, expanding our footprint in the South
- DTJ opens an office in Denver, expanding our footprint in Colorado