Lauren Freels

Associate + Landscape Architect
Lauren Freels
Tirelessly Curious, Enthusiastic Singer, and Queen of the Awkward Compliment

Lauren Freels, PLA

Associate + Landscape Architect


Lauren’s passion is to reveal the potential in the communities and landscapes she serves, seeking to enable joyful engagement with the environment and diligent stewardship of nature. Lauren is experienced in all levels of landscape development including landscape design, project management, site analysis and research, environmental resource planning, and community engagement.

Professional Landscape Architect CA #6422 + CO #LA.0001632

Master of Landscape Architecture, University of California; Berkeley, CA
Bachelor of Arts in Art History, Berry College; Mt. Berry, GA

“When we build, let us think that we build forever. Let it not be for present delight, nor for present use alone; let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for, and let us think, as we lay stone on stone, that a time is to come when those stones will be held sacred because our hands have touched them, and that men will say as they look upon the labor and wrought substance of them, 'See! this our fathers did for us.' - John Ruskin”