Experience Life
Through Design.

Boutique Resorts
Distinguishing the Boutique Resort Experience Resort renovations continue their resurgence as developers and operators respond to pent up demand and desires of today’s vacationers. In the British Virgin Islands, boutique-scale resorts are no exception. Whether a couple seeking a quiet getaway, or multi-generations wanting to relax and vacation together, many desire privacy in a unique…
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Millennial Buyer
What’s OUT is IN In the desire to capture the Millennial buyer, builders are focused on what type of housing will appeal to this demographic.  And rightly so; even larger than the famed Baby Boomer generation Millennials have delayed home purchases and builders are poised to tap into this potentially powerful market.  Architecture is hip…
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Welcome to Expressions
Welcome to Expressions, the newest way for DTJ to share our thoughts about the ever-changing world of design.  DTJ places significant value to engaging the greater realm of our design industry, to further our knowledge and experiences beyond our doors. For over 40 years, Principals and Associates have served on panels and spoken at major…
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