Category: Public

Strategies for Creating Amenity Rich Parks
The article discusses the development of amenity-rich parks in growing communities, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive and creative approach to create spaces that are enjoyable for both residents and visitors now and in the future.
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Paying Tribute: Honoring and Healing Through Memorial Design
Parks are often a place of remembrance, an important aspect to honoring, healing, and acknowledging a lasting legacy. Designers are tasked with upholding the memory of a person, group, or event, and the values they exhibited while informing and inspiring the public.
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From Skepticism To Community Endorsement
Gilpin County Colorado’s first Comprehensive Plan positions the county proactively for development that is imminent in a county just 45 minutes outside the City of Denver. This required an integrated planning process to prepare a plan that directs development to be fiscally responsible and environmentally sustainable, while reflecting the community’s preferences to retain the county’s rural, mountain character...
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Water Wise: The New Landscape Aesthetic for the West
DTJ Associate Principal Greg White discusses how implementing native landscapes can have a measurable positive impact on our environment.
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A Reconnection to NATURE through PLAY
Humans have always craved a connection to the natural world, like a calling of the wild, pulling us back to our primitive roots. In the ever changing modernization of our world and living situations today, we as a culture have a strong desire to recouple ourselves to experiences that are real, add enrichment and even a touch of chaos to the rigidity of our everyday lives.
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Impactful Design for an Evolving Community
Quality communities realize the impact that smart planning and thoughtful design can have on their future.
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